January 17, 2013


I am not the kind that hold onto promises. You should have figured that out. I don't, not unless they are the huge ones that involve me as largely as it involves you.
I am pretty selfish, I admit. I think of no one but myself. Partly because I am afraid I go back to striving for the things I once struggled with, partly because of sheer narcissism and conceit. I am not as noble as you think. Between my life and yours, I would think of mine more valuable and the only reason I would allow you to retain yours and sacrifice mine would be due to some sort of reason that will eventually benefit me, afterlife or so.
I am self-absorbed in my both my fortune and misfortune. Sometimes I think I am the luckiest girl alive, sometimes not. Clearly. Albeit, you do not mean more to me than I do. I am really truly honestly and in the frankest manner not as generous and noble as you assume, believe and hope for.

I am ugly, inside out. Even Frankenstein has a better reason than I do to be alive. No doubt he created a monster, at least he wanted to destroy it. Me? I tame the monster.

But hey, I warned you.